Cliona's 22k run in memory of Emma Woods

Cliona Robertson 13th March 2023


Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to visit my just giving page. 

On the 13th august 2021, I very sadly lost my best friend Emma at 20 years old following complications during heart surgery , which left me and so many others devastated. We both have Turner Syndrome, a chromosome abnormality affecting only females where one of the female X chromosomes is missing, this leads to other complications which you can find out more about through this link 

Emma and I met through the TSSS ( Turner Syndrome Support society), which offers advice and support to all those affected by TS, and it was the start of an amazing, special and life long friendship from then on. Emma would have been turning 22 on the 30th of April and therefore I have set myself the challenge In Emmas memory and to raise awareness and funds for Turner syndrome to run 22k in the month of May, starting on the 30th April. This is quite a personal challenge for me with running not being my strong point, but I am determined to raise as much awareness and funds for this condition that affects so many, and to help improve research into heart conditions that come with TS, all in memory of Em and to help girls like us. Thank you in advance for the support, it is really appreciated.
